ISBN: 978-0-9833815-8-7
Publication Date: June 1, 2012
Softcover / B&W Interior
$16.00 USD

The Internal Objects is a confession in the form of a catalogue. Through anecdotes and associations, it tells the story of a reclusive radiologist through the objects and images that accumulate around him. Ecstatic descriptions of the material properties of things transport him through deep time and his most formative memories. As a reader of x-ray images, with their transparency and coded evidence, he finds an antidote to the impenetrability of other people.

The Internal Objects is conceived, written, and designed by Szu-Han Ho.

Szu-Han Ho’s work addresses the intersection of spatial practice, material culture, and affective knowledge. Her research interests have revolved around the shared metaphors of economics and ecology. After receiving a B.A. in Architecture from UC Berkeley, she launched a three-year collaborative project integrating art installation, architectural proposals, performance, and agricultural research on a 250-acre site in West Texas. She holds degrees from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she received an MA in Visual and Critical Studies and an MFA in Film, Video, and New Media. Recent projects include a mobile exhibition at the Center of the US (in conjunction with the Center for Land Use Interpretation), a performative property survey at Mildred’s Lane Historical Society, and a traveling exhibition of analogue models to psyches and natural systems. Szu-Han is currently Assistant Professor in Art & Ecology in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.