Publication Date: May 1, 2011
5.5 x 8.5 in / 216 x 140 mm
Hardcover / B&W Interior
ISBN: 978-0-9833815-0-1
$16.00 USD

Ticket to the Unknown considers the texts of the Swiss Art Brut artist, Aloïse Corbaz. Best known for her drawings and only recently for her writing, Ticket is the first publication of Aloïse’s texts translated to English, from the original French. Valentine’s original essays, which accompany the translations, consider the dilemmas of reading and translating artists’ writing, explore the limits of modes of expression, and engage the corporeality of text itself.

Jina Valentine has exhibited widely in the United States. She received her BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and her MFA from Stanford University and is represented by Fleisher Ollman Gallery in Philadelphia and Patrica Sweetow in San Francisco. Valentine has also exhibited at Marlborough Gallery, The Elizabeth Foundation, The Drawing Center, and The Studio Museum in Harlem. She was a 2009 recipient of the Joan Mitchell MFA Fellowship and has held residencies at the Atlantic Center for the Arts, Women’s Studio Workshop, Sculpture Space, the Cité Internationale des Arts, and the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. She currently lives and works in Paris. Ticket to the Unknown is published by Future Plan and Program, a provisional publishing project featuring newly-commissioned literary works by visual artists.