Publication Date: November, 2011
5.5 x 8.5 in / 216 x 140 mm
Hardcover / B&W Interior
ISBN: 978-0-9833815-2-5
$16.00 USD

Book Club is a reading group and think tank in Houston, Texas. Together, we investigate progressive, experimental, and provocative work by African American writers, with a particular focus on hard-to-find creative texts. Book Club is inspired by the powerful history of self-education in communities of color. These modes of extra-institutional learning have often come out of necessity, as well as by choice—we invoke the spirit of our predecessors to guide the political and creative decisions of our present day.

The edited volume presents transcriptions, essays, e-mails, poems, polemics, fiction, questions, and concerns by:

Regina Agu
Nathaniel Donnett
Quincy Flowers
Egie Ighile
Steffani Jemison
Otabenga Jones & Associates
Ayanna Jolivet McCloud
Michael Kahlil Taylor

Additional contributions and conversation:

Lauren Kelley
Massa Lemu
Bert Long
Jesse Lott
Rick Lowe
Mo Roberts
Bert Samples
George Smith
Kaneem Smith
M’kina Tapscott